Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Seriously? What the fuck, Amish?

Heat surge heaters....fireless flame technology.....Amish built.

This is in a commercial at 4:51 a.m. The Amish are now peddling themselves out for the almighty dollar. This fecal pile of infomercial has people hanging stockings and making out in front of these abominations.

Seriously? A man and woman on the floor in front of a 3 ft tall box of heat for a romantic evening?

The commercial portrayed that insanity.

Maybe in a fucking trailer park that would happen.....a sweaty, dirty coupling of meth heads swigging Boone's farm and mating without protection.

Protection that should be mandatory for wear before any trailer park sex.

Anyway, I digress. First off, if I'm stooping to having my girl lay in front of the 2010 equivalent of a space heater, expect her to get turned on then wrestle with my engorged phallus, well, not only am I cheap and disgusting but deserve to be jailed for such.

It is kinda cool to see the beards sign off with their approval on the act of fornication, though. Prudish bastards have yet to give the thumbs up to brutal war, but at least they're down to fuck now.

The main point of my rant? When the Amish start selling their souls, how long until the sky falls, the earth opens and Pope Benedict XVI has Slayer played as hymnal music at the Easter Mass in Vatican City?

I'm all for progressive, industrial evolution. Making things better, improving, sculpting.

I also know that capitalism is a hungry beast that will be fed long after I'm ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

But when institutions begin selling out, institutions that have been forever unchanged against the erosion of decency, then that is disturbing.

And it makes me wonder....

Would big George W. have signed off on his face to be used on the dollar bill, had he known the of the murder, pillaging, rape and other soulless acts committed to gain that bill?

I'd like to think not. But when the Amish are standing at the corner, trolling for johns to buy their heaters, well....

We really don't know shit anymore.
