Here we are again.
I'm reading the paper this morning and come to find that the acid attack in Washington State was a hoax. That some scary black woman truly didn't throw acid in that woman's face.
I always find it amusing that the perpetrator is of a black description. Why do they have to be black, hmm? Oh, I forgot....our deeply ingrained prejudice hasn't disappeared in America. People just hide it better now. Plus, all blacks look alike, right? Easier to blame that some white trash you may have to actually describe.
ABOVE: Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland tells Hispanic youth that he won't arrest Dora should she show up in Ohio.
If I need to explain the sarcasm to you, get the hell off my blog.
Anyways, it got me to thinking. Friends and family of this dumb bitch said they are worried about her "mental state". How long till they decide that really wasn't her fault that she disfigured herself with acid, but that it was actually the villain from Batman named Two-Face?
We have a wonderful tendency in our country to blame everyone but ourselves. It was McDonald's fault that I didn't know coffee was hot and I spilled it on my vagina. It was Doom's fault that I shot up a school full of kids.
How about, hey, I'm fucked up! It's my fault I'm fucked up!
Nah, makes too much sense.
Instead, it will be easier for some crazy woman to claim that because Two-Face had acid thrown in his face, and was such a mysterious, cool, complex character, that it is his fault, and the Batman comic books in general, that she wanted to be so much like him.
Fucking bullshit. Accountability has become a dirtier word than pussy in our current culture.....
I covered the appearance of Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland at Cincinnati's Hispanic Fest last weekend. Actually got to interview the man for a couple of minutes. Loved his ridiculous answers to shit.
Me- "How has your afternoon been here at the Hispanic Fest?"
Strickland - "It's been good. Diversity is one of Ohio's strengths. I've always said that if you shrunk down the country, you would have Ohio. We are a melting pot."
Hmm....no shit, Sherlock. Every state is a melting pot, with maybe the exception of North Dakota. Please tell me something new, douche.
Best part, however, was me letting rip of a silent but deadly as I walked away from him. This is known is some circles as "crop-dusting". I failed to reveal this to my editor-in-chief, for I may never get assigned another story due to such antics.
It did feel good to make my stand against the man with some flatulence, though.
Maybe Strickland thought the smell was the sampling of refried beans he was eating. Which brings me to another point - why do politicians never eat an entire fucking meal? They go somewhere, a festival for instance, and sample shit. "Oh, I'll have one BBQ rib." or "Hey, a spoon of that coleslaw looks mighty good."
They never eat a full meal. They humor the vendor, act like their food is good, then proceed to spit it into a napkin later because it really tastes like shit. For once, I'd love to see a politician act like a real human and eat a fucking funnel cake with a turkey leg and a draft beer.
You say you're of the people? Fucking act like one.
I had contemplated not too long ago about running for sheriff of Hamilton County when I got back to the area. Felt that someone needed to give the porn Nazi Simon Leis a run for his money. What other county in this country has a 73 year-old sheriff? Any wonder shit is fucked up with the Sheriff's Office?
Has the thought of dementia crossed anyones mind?
Anyway, I decided not to. I have some law enforcement background, but not really enough to know what I would be doing if elected Sheriff. Sadly, if I ran I'd have a good chance to win, because folks are tired of the porn Nazi.
Guess even if I didn't know how to run the Sheriff's Office, it wouldn't be any different than it is now, I suppose. Give me your thoughts.
Well, I watched the destruction of my UC Bearcats the other night at the hands of NC State. The Bearkittens have returned. We had a good run, didn't we? Actually, the last 3 years felt more like a cock tease from that Judas Brian Kelly. He helped get us to the brink, then we unceremoniously lost two bowl games then the coach. Got UC fans all hyped up, then left us with the football equivalent of blue balls.
Thanks, Judas. Use your Notre Dame gold to buy a new conscience, asshole.
Butch Jones is tryin' his ass off, bless him. You are kinda screwed though when you are given an empty cupboard defensively and an Oompa-Loompa quarterback named Collaros. The Little Engine that Could only can in books, Butch.
And they have Oklahoma next? I thought of attending the game with my free student ticket. Instead, I figure my time will be better served by washing my car. I'm not about to buy $10 beers just to watch a 44-10 raping of UC. I'd rather dry off my car with a Sham-Wow....
Welcome back to irrelevancy, UC football. Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi.
Quote of the Day: "I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years." - late comedian Sam Kinison.